Another Squeezebox Replacement Thread

I have PLEX server and apps up and running alongside my older Logitech Squeezebox setup I am thinking of trying digital streaming from an Android tablet running PLEX app to DAC.

Has anybody streamed from a tablet to DAC? How about wirelessly?

Interested in any thoughts/experiences along this line.


Showing 1 response by cruz123

There appears to be a general reluctance by the audiophile community to adopt Sonos since the demise of Squeezebox, but having used both for periods of years, the Sonos operating system and connected environment is head and shoulders above Squeezebox. The limiting factor is that only does 16/44, but there are companies that mod the Sonos connect to enable 24 bit if needed. I use a Sonos connect with a Vortexbox to store my music. After years of constant tinkering and software glitches with Squeezbox, I love the simplicity and reliability of Sonos and its every bit as good from a audio standpoint (at 16/44).