Another person going digital and full of questions

I'm yet another new member trying to figure out the digital streaming world.  I've been streaming Tidal and Idagio from my desktop computer through an RME ADI-2 dac and into various headphones for a while.  Now I'd like to add digital streaming on my main system.  I'm just looking for a source that would provide streaming services to my existing preamp (Audible Illusions) amp (Audio Research) and speakers (Wilson Benesch Act 1).  I'm looking for something to complement my other sources, a VPI turntable and a Rega CD player and Benchmark 1 DAC.  I don't want to rip my CDs or play any stored music files.  So far, I'm learning that there are more recent and better DACs out there than the old Benchmark, and that I should consider a quieter box than my computer to connect to ethernet.  But I'm lost in a sea of streamers, servers, reclockers, power supplies, etcetera, most with unfamiliar brand names.

I'd appreciate any suggestions.  budget in the $5k range but can stretch a little.


Showing 6 responses by mattchanoff

Thanks for responding.  As I suspected, opinions are all over the map, ranging from  the ASR view that streamers make no difference and DACs have been solved and anyone spending more than $100 is a dupe, to the opinion that the dcs Bartok at $20k is the cheapest DAC you can get that makes music sound like music.  (but of course, not without another $10k or so of wires etc).

Then inside that difference of opinion there's "the streamer doesn't matter, spend the money on a DAC" vs "the streamer makes all the difference, get a good one and upgrade the DAC later."  Then inside THAT controversy another one about the particular DAC architectures, and inside that, of course, an endless debate about which brand or model is crap and which one is nirvana.

Anyway, I'm enjoying it all, though, I have to say, not yet very enlightened.  So thanks again.

@cat_doorman , thanks that makes sense to me, and thanks everyone for your input.  

I'm going to follow this advice with the Bluesound and borrow my RME ADI-2 DAC from the office to try that combination.  I'll get used to that and then compare other DACs to see if there's an upgrade worth having.

Thanks, but the Zenith would use up my whole budget, just about, and I'm perfectly content taking my CDs out of the closet and putting them in the machine.  Plus, a lot of them are my own or other's recordings, I doubt song titles titles written on a piece of paper will show up on Roon.   Even if those things worked, the prospect of feeding 1500 CDs into a slot one after another is dispiriting.


Thanks.  Yes, I haven't been crazy about it either.  As I mentioned, I have a more recent RME ADI-2 DAC.  I like that better, but it's in a different system and I haven't spent any time carefully comparing the two.

Thanks mahughes and hilde45 for your posts.  Re the node 2i, yes I'm considering that.  I keep hearing that the bluesound stuff is "entry level high fi," but if the DAC is what's important and I use a it just to stream, and if the the power supply for the streamer is next most important, which I think is also true, then your solution makes a lot of sense.

mahughes, thanks for the question.  The "sound" I've always looked for is something like this:  1) tonality of vocal music.  On the very best systems I've heard, Leonard Cohen on "You Want it Darker" sounds not only deep and gravely but actually old.  Beverly Glenn-Copeland on "Deep River" sound like trans, with that beautiful fold contralto he had as a woman overlaid with the masculine tones he acquired after transition. I suspect this has a lot to do with handling different dynamic levels, because tonality is largely a function of harmonics, and the harmonics of a note are much quieter than the note itself.  2) separation and distinction.  When I'm listening to Trombone Shorty or Roy Hargrove, I want to clearly hear the differences in tone between the saxes, trumpets, and trombones.  In good choral recordings on great systems, you can hear the distinction between individual voices, both the unity of the chorus and the individuals.  3) coping with complexity.  On pieces like the Dance Infernal in Firebird or John Zorn's noisier stuff, or maybe Frank Zappa, you often hear a kind of confused failure-to-keep-up that's clearly an artifact of the equipment (though I think more an amplifier or speaker problem).  Slam/attack and decay. A rimshot should startle you; the opening to Born in the USA should jerk you upright a little bit.  

Anyway, that's the best I can do at describing the elements that add up to what I'm really after, which is being transported by the music.

Thanks everyone.  @manogolf, what DAC did you end up with?  Also, interesting that you left your desktop as a streamer, given so many comments and reviews that stress all the noise and competing clocks in a regular desktop, as well as problems caused by the power supply.