In my system I have tried the micro rendu, for 3 years until really tired of drop outs, if you are very computer savvy this may suit, of course you need a computer hooked up to stream. Being frustrated I have tried the Bluesound Node, nice interface, internal DAC not great but I have several external DAC's including a denafrips ares 2, overall OK. Next was Lumin U1 mini, OK with Ares 2 but expensive and no linear power supply. Then Link Stack this sounded best, to me, but interface was a total disaster, do not buy if you are a mac user as you need a computer to set it up. Lastly has been a Lindemann Limetree Bridge 1 (not 2) virtually nil drop outs, those I get are 1 - 2 seconds and mostly likely due to my modem, I may get 1 every 100 hours, mR was several a session, it sounds really nice, totally ignore ASR review as all negative comments are based on a high distortion figure, which is actually at a level and frequency you will never hear, the interface is good probably ranks with Bluesound OS but a little behind Audirvana, of course this is personal, many people swear by Roon for instance, I have spent too many hours of my life swearing at Roon. If you like your existing DAC why waste money on another.
Another person going digital and full of questions
I'm yet another new member trying to figure out the digital streaming world. I've been streaming Tidal and Idagio from my desktop computer through an RME ADI-2 dac and into various headphones for a while. Now I'd like to add digital streaming on my main system. I'm just looking for a source that would provide streaming services to my existing preamp (Audible Illusions) amp (Audio Research) and speakers (Wilson Benesch Act 1). I'm looking for something to complement my other sources, a VPI turntable and a Rega CD player and Benchmark 1 DAC. I don't want to rip my CDs or play any stored music files. So far, I'm learning that there are more recent and better DACs out there than the old Benchmark, and that I should consider a quieter box than my computer to connect to ethernet. But I'm lost in a sea of streamers, servers, reclockers, power supplies, etcetera, most with unfamiliar brand names.
I'd appreciate any suggestions. budget in the $5k range but can stretch a little.