Another OPPO 203 Connection Question

I currently have a OPPO 203 which I would like to use for streaming music. However, I wish not to use any WIFI or ROON or any other wireless apps in the process. 

My question is simple, Can I connect my IPAD directly to the OPPO 203 via the HDMI or USB? if so, how do I set the settings?

My plan is to run analog to the McIntosh MX110z Pre-Amp which is connected to a McIntosh MC7270 power amp and run digital to the Mcintosh MX257 AV Pre-Amp which is connected to a McIntosh MC257.

I am currently hard wiring everything ,not because of weak WiFi but because of getting a  better signal via hard wire.. I currently average 450MBPS


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I apologize for not being a bit more detailed. My goal is to live stream music using Qobuz or Apple Music as the sole source.No files.

I’ve been researching BluesSound-Cambridge-Lumin and all the rest, but prior to going to a dedicated streaming device I thought I would put this question out there to see what was possible with what I already have. I have IPads, IPhone, and
IMac desktops at my disposal.

In the end, if I must use WiFi I will purchase a dedicated streamer and hard wire.