Another new DAC: Audio Mirror

Just ran across this last night. Never heard of them before but
as a Minnesota company tweaked my curiosity.
Audio Mirror Tubadour III non-oversampling tube DAC. Sounds interesting.
If anyone runs across one and has a listen please post.

Showing 6 responses by facten


From the review ".... will out-perform many DACs that cost tremendous amounts more on the market today. "
Can you provide some specific insights on which DACs and in what areas the Tubadour SE will outperform them? The perspective would be helpful.


Approximately how many hours do you have on the modded Orchid? What is the recommended break-in hours for the AM?


" That said the Orchid is an amazing value even with the mods added. If you don’t need the extras the AM has I’d say the Orchid is 90%+ the sound equivalent to the AM SE. "
Can you clarify what you mean by " If you don’t need the extras the AM has ".?  Both versions of the DACs you have incorporate upgraded parts over their respective "standard" versions.

" It looks like the tubes don't have pins in the glass, just the bare wire sticking out, and need to be soldered to an adapter."

When the 5977 tube needs changing does AM provide the tube/adapter , and/or is there an upfront option to buy a backup tube/adapter? 

Don't know what you read or are expecting , but here's what they say on the Audio Mirror website

"Expected tube life for 5977 subminiature tubes is  >5000 hrs."