Another Matteo Mancuso rant

Listening to Matteo play is awesome, especially when WATCHING him on YT. He has been inspired by many greats throughout his career, and his newest rendition of "Fred" (Allan Holdsworth Cover) is worth it. His comrades on bass and drums are also so on point. There are other great performances as well. Enjoy! MrD.


Showing 1 response by simonmoon

Sure, he is great.

My only problem is, there are other modern fusion guitarists, that are just as good, if not better, that seem to remain in relative obscurity.

Not sure why he is all that is being talked about as the "next coming" of fusion guitarists.

Alex Machacek

Richard Hallebeek

Evgeny Pobozhiy

Jan Zehrfeld

Dewa Budjana

David Gilmore (not that David Gilmour)

Feodor Dosumov

Just to name a few.