Another help me spend money thread or maybe not.... going to AXPONA

How to start this thread. Well I have a full thread here which has taken me a long ways to Maggie planar bliss.
Room size is 11.5w 22.5L 8.5h

The cliff notes version of the above is Maggie 20.7 system with a pair of Vandersteen Sub 3 and HP7 crossovers
Recent additions are: Mac 601 monos, AR Ref6, dSC Bartok + AQ hurricane and dragon power + a lot of room setup.

So the only part of my system not questioned in 5 years has been the 20.7's as I really like planar sound. Of course that gets me thinking why should i stop there... for a $30k budget what can I hear.... this is where AG help is needed!!

The system sounds really good now, the Vandy system has now given me all the bass slam of big boxes to go along with that wall of planar energy. But I have the fever. I want to know how good the system is compared to a bunch of hardware I only read about. So I am going to AXPONA and also looking into my local Atlanta shops. 

Which leads me to: I auditioned two disparate systems today, Wilson Audio Sabrina's ($17k) and Wisdom Audio cost no object in-wall line source system (about $100k) which I have never heard of. I use to have WP7's, to me the newer Sabrina's are much better having lost the hot inverted dome tweeter, good but not superior to what i already have. However the Wisdom mutli line source system was just spectacular which was built around multiple Wisdom Sage L75's. These can be had as a floor stander for about $18k pair and they have them. So we go to that room but it was busy and I did not get a chance to hear them. If they are anywhere close to what I heard these go to the top of my list. 

My list (to hear or have heard as a comparison)
heard: Vandy 7 MKII, really good but too expensive
B&W 802D3 - good but not better

for my budget would like to hear at AXPONA if they are there: 
Vandy 5a Carbons 
Martin Logan ESL15A
MBL - just because
Scaena - just because

But what about YG's or SoundLab and on and on... thanks for your inputs!



Showing 16 responses by hughp3

thanks mtrot but looks like Mino is not attending, so far.

shkong78 do you own a pair? looks interesting for sure
Thanks guys keep them coming!

I auditioned the ML esl 15a today. Very impressed, I could jump for these. However going to hear the clx art with subs next. I must be strong though, stay the course and make it through axpona...

ohadaguy I have auditioned the 30.7 when Wendell was in ATL a few months ago. The system was very good, especially bass which it has in spades. But two things. I don’t have the room, mine is 11W x 22L. Compared to the 20.7, the 15A electrostatic was, to me, startling. cleaner, faster, holographic with great bass. The only issue I thought I heard and only on 1 track was the mid bass did not have quit the impact of the 20.7 otw consistently superior.. but at a price
Thanks guys I will definetly go by the Sanders room. How do they compare to ML 15a or CLX with the correct ML subs?
Look toward to hearing them. I did a bunch of reading last night. Only repeated issue was very small focal spot, for some too small but I will decide that!
On the  Sanders 10e,  I am concerned about the DSP module. I have substantial investment in the pre and dac signal which, i believe, gets re-dac’ed by the dsp. Not sure i like that.  It has to alter the sonic  characteristics of the components i carefully selected. Thoughts? 
Makes sense mtrot. I have no idea how DSP could be done for multi channel but i am sure some one has figured it out, however for sure would not work per speaker manufacture! I got a response from Sanders but it did not clearly answer my question. I will just call them... 
Just spoke with Sanders. They answered all my concerns. I will be keeping all my front end. The wild card are the subs which I can also keep if I want but they suggested the cross over point should be 23hz which is really low. I will likely not need them but A/B will be easily then I can make that decision.  Really looking forward to hearing these!
i just read about these new speakers, will def demo them. thanks for the heads up.
Listened to an expensive box speaker today, $40k. Maybe its me... the demo was great,  fast dynamic bass, very clear. now the but...  it was more pinpoint imaging which I am not used to.  Voices and instruments on the 20.7 are more lifelike, have demension. seem to have more 3d space. Its hard to explain. So far only the  Martin Logan 15a would cause me to jump.  Anyone else struggle going from planar or ESL’s to box speakers?
yes! david and alan jones@hifi buys sold  me on the subs and crossovers(and 20.7 etc  excellent shop great guys) I’m not using the sub nines too expensive, have pair of sub threes and high end HP7 crossovers. Was the biggest change to the system by far and it’s proving hard to beat. Pm if you want to take a listen, could use another ear!
Thanks   For the advice guys. Yeah I just need to make it to Axpona  and hear   What I can. I  May end up not doing anything but I must say the ml 15a are good but I need a second or third hearing. The CLX with subs will Be available for audition in a few weeks. Not doing anything until after the show though
My axpona visit is over, sitting in chicago plane delayed by snow. 
The show was a great experience. So much to see but my list as completed. All of the vendors i visited were very nice. Rooms size was not ideal, an understatement, so listening required some imagination. 

My room plans have changed everything. Dedicated 27x20x13 in 6 months

My top speakers in order that fit my tastes are:
Gryphon trident ii - best of show, simply awsome. Vocal and piano were in the room realistic. But too much $$.

Avanteguard duo mezzo xd. Incredibly dynamic, clear, fast, chest bass. I love the looks. My top choice so far

rockport cygnas - tooo small a room and still high quality. Very clear yet smooth, great imagining, great bass. Need another listen in proper setting. Very good.

All of the Luminwhites were good.
The Magico and YG just are not personally the sound for me.

lastly will be demoing the ML Neoliths in a few weeks. With these 3 i think i have every design approach covered.

yes axpona was well worth it anf fun.

I did very clear and trasparent. The tracks playing were a little bass shy so cannot judge too well. Would work very well in my old room but i did not spend much time there as i was looking for amuch bigger presence. Better than many magico’s i heard