Analyzing the power from the outlet

I've been reading threads on the various methods of power cleaning -- filters, regenerators, dedicated lines, etc. But I don't see a thread that explains a systematic way of evaluating the condition of the power at the outlet. Is there a thread or a link that instructs on how to analyze the power for noise, voltage consistency, etc from the point of view of an audiophile?

Showing 3 responses by mceljo

It is entirely possible that you have exposed the pseudo science that many audiophiles thrive on. You are supposed to simply assume that your power needs improvement and then purchase a product to improve it.

A EE friend of mine just shakes his head at the majority of the audiophile power products, but does understand the use of a power regenerator in a county where the power grid is garbage.

My guessis that analysis before and after might yield a change, but it might be difficult to objectively prove an improvement.
Tboooe - I am probably oversimplifying things, but if your regenerator is really generation new clean power, what would the purpose of a dedicated line be? Almost seems like it would be similar to pretreating dirty water going into water purification plant that produced perfectly clean H2O.
You didn't pay for a "filter", that would be a power conditioner. You paid for a product advertised to regenerate the power. It seems that if you believe what they say then you should take them at their word.