analyzing sound

Some recordings may demonstrate better audiophile-related variables (e.g., soundstage, imaging, blackness, quickness, microdynamics, dynamic range, low/mid/high frequencies, sibilance, etc.) than others.  Playlists are therefore offered as examples of music to use when evaluating hifi components or systems.  I assume, for example, that it is necessary to have a recording that is able to demonstrate a wide soundstage in order to evaluate whether a system/component produces a wide soundstage.  However, I have not found a playlist that also identifies which specific recordings are good for evaluating which specific variable that an audiophile may be interested in.


For example, is there an annotated playlist that provides something like the following entirely fabricated example:  Bill Frisell's recording of Baba Drame on The Intercontinentals is a good track for evaluating imaging (but not microdynamics), whereas John Eliot Gardiner's Volume 3 recording of Bach Contatas is excellent for evaluating microdynamics (but not imagining), or Imogen Heap's recording of First Train Home on her Ellipse album is good to use for determining the degree of sibilance (but not low frequency definition) of your system. 


Or is any good recording capable of demonstrating all qualities of interest?


Showing 1 response by pindac

Recordings in many cases are owned for a long period of time and the owner has been familiar with the owned recording being used on a wide range of equipment within the owned audio system and also used on audio systems belonging to others.

It is this type of a familiarity with a recording that creates a confidence in an individual when assessing a performance from a Audio Device added to the owned  system, or assessing a selection of Audio Devices assembled to produce an alternate system.

Usually a few Albums which are the preferred in the owned collection, are the 'go to' for the Tracks selected for being used. To fulfil the individual with the interest needs, for getting the feel for the overall qualities for a System in relation to the perceived qualities of the replay for the recordings that have been selected.

The idea of a pre-ordained Playlist generically used at the time of Demo's of Audio Equipment by a wide selection of individuals is new to myself.