analyzing sound

Some recordings may demonstrate better audiophile-related variables (e.g., soundstage, imaging, blackness, quickness, microdynamics, dynamic range, low/mid/high frequencies, sibilance, etc.) than others.  Playlists are therefore offered as examples of music to use when evaluating hifi components or systems.  I assume, for example, that it is necessary to have a recording that is able to demonstrate a wide soundstage in order to evaluate whether a system/component produces a wide soundstage.  However, I have not found a playlist that also identifies which specific recordings are good for evaluating which specific variable that an audiophile may be interested in.


For example, is there an annotated playlist that provides something like the following entirely fabricated example:  Bill Frisell's recording of Baba Drame on The Intercontinentals is a good track for evaluating imaging (but not microdynamics), whereas John Eliot Gardiner's Volume 3 recording of Bach Contatas is excellent for evaluating microdynamics (but not imagining), or Imogen Heap's recording of First Train Home on her Ellipse album is good to use for determining the degree of sibilance (but not low frequency definition) of your system. 


Or is any good recording capable of demonstrating all qualities of interest?


Showing 4 responses by jrdavisphd

Thank you all for giving me examples of what being an audiophile involves.  It helps me learn how to listen and appreciate music presented by audio equipment of varying quality.

Again, I appreciate all the comments.  Having just resumed serious listening this year at age 71 I have found real enjoyment in hifi.  But, I know my days are numbered and so want to squeeze as much pleasure from listening to music as I can.  Therefore, I wrote my post with intention of seeking direction from those on Audiogon with far more experience and ability to articulate how to listen for the variety of parameters that hifi-reproduced music presents, and that are spoken about by knowledgeable audiophiles.  In sum, I'm trying my best to learn to listen, talk about hifi, and explore both recordings and the devices that reproduce their music.

With Qobuz I can easily listen to a multitude of different recordings of Beethoven's Eroica Symphony, and identify which I like better than others.  I am beginning to realize the value of spending time listening to many recordings of the same piece.  But, I'd like to learn the proper lexicon for describing differences between recordings I like and those I don't.  Additionally, when I cobble together the funds for a better streamer or DAC, and audition a device against what I currently have, I'd like to be able to have tracks that are known to be capable of demonstrating one or more parameters so that I can conduct the audition efficiently rather than "winging it" with a poorly recorded track that I still like for sentimental reasons from the '60s.  However, I appreciate there must be many different methods or perspectives that people use to evaluate (or just plain enjoy) recordings and gear, and they may all have some value.

As a newcomer to the audiophile community, I appreciate all of the responses to my post.

Very, very  helpful.  Adrian Low at Audio Excellence near to Toronto has been enormously helpful with the assistance of his great staff.  I'm looking forward to Toronto Audio Fest this weekend.