Analysis Plus Solo Crystal Oval 8...OMG!!

I seriously can’t believe what these cables are doing to the sound in my rig.  I had them awhile ago and couldn’t justify the price (used) so I pulled back and returned them.  I grabbed them again yesterday since my local stereo shop still had them hanging there. 

Well let me say that I’ve always been a believer in cables making changes to the sound because I can hear it but I’ve never had speaker cables that changed the sound as dramatically as this.  The way it’s untangling the music, the way its making everything sound real, the way it’s full top to bottom without any harshness is pretty crazy.  

This is on a system that isn’t highly resolving yet all of these differences are completely noticeable.  I’m not talking about a little more resolution here, a little more top end sparkle there, fuller bass here...  I’m talking about did I just get a different amp, this can’t be the same dac, these can’t be the same speakers, kind of changes.

I’ve had this sound in my systems before but that was with higher end gear for sure... it makes me wonder how much I was leaving on the table without these cables in my rig at that time.

Have any of you had similar experiences with the Solo Crystal 8’s as well?  I’m thinking that these are end game cables for me.

Showing 12 responses by b_limo

Rodman99999, no apology necessary!  You were still on topic in my mind. I enjoy your input on various threads!  Thanks!

I’ve always heard a difference in cables but when you start getting into some really great sounding cables, it’s probably hard to go back (I wouldn’t know yet, because I’m not going back!)

I agree that ambient detail and retrieval are coming through more clearly for me now as well.  What I love is how I noticed music flows together now and is easier to follow.  The bass is there in full effect and is well defined.  I actually purchased these cables instead of a nice sub because what these cables did overall for my system far exceeded what a sub did.  The highs are there... and for me, most importantly, the soundstage and holographic imaging just reels me in.  It’s actually hard to finish a post because the music commands my attention. I love it, and I love these cables!
@jtcf, you’ll have to report back and let us know how you like your new cables.  Congrats on pulling the trigger on them!!

I have a feeling you’ll like them!  I still love the speaker cables.  Just really great, natural, detailed, layered sounding :-)
Thanks for keeping us posted on your experience with them!  I’ve been following the thread and its awesome to see you guys having the same results as me.  I absolutely love these cables.  I really am still shocked at what these speaker cables did for me.  The “honeymoon” phase is not going away.

These are the real deal for sure.  Something else surprising is that the rest of my system isn’t at the same caliber as these cables yet my system is completely benefitting from these speaker cables.  I love the inner detail, the unraveling of music, the naturalness and flow.  The bass and imaging are icing on the cake.  

Just awesome awesome cables.  Worth every penny that I paid 😁
I should add that my cables haven’t been moved for 3 weeks either.  I have all my cables elevated and none touch; I’m a geek like that
I’ve never noticed cables sounding different by letting them rest as well.  I noticed that myself over the past week or two as I’m not running music through my system daily anymore.

I thought my system sounded better but was chalking it up to me taking a break from listening to music 4-5 hours a day and now it’s only an hour or two in the evenings.

Before when I  was listening for 4-5 hours a day my system was on 24/7 for 2-3 weeks...
Same here.  Rollercoaster ride.  One day, full and fantastic, the next a little dull...  

I think that the separation of individual instruments and being able to easily follow any one instrument or how they all fit together is a stand out feature of these cables.  I read somewhere that it has to do with not smearing any particular freq. response.  I’ll look for the link later when Im not at work!
" The hollow oval design addresses rising resistance by producing uniform current distribution, which means resistance doesn't vary based on frequency. Therefore, more of what goes in comes out looking the same. A byproduct of this uniformity is that electrical properties of the cable don't change over the audio frequency band, and thus what Analysis Plus calls "frequency smearing" is also addressed 
I’m stoked that you all are having similar experiences with these cables!  As funds allow, I’ll be adding more AP solo crystals to my rig!

Thanks for sharing such detailed experiences.  I hope that we are able to sway some others since it seems like we are having similar opinions as to these cables sound signature.  Detailed, natural / real sounding cables.

I recently added a bluesound node 2i and am using Audioquest Diamond Hyperlitz Rca interconnects.  I must admit that it sounds good but is lacking in that natural  tone and timbre.  I’m hoping that the bluesound needs time to burn in and that by changing the powercord and adding some AP Solo Crystal interconnects, I’ll have better tone and texture.  The AQ’s sound open and detailed but also somewhat digital. I’ll report back later when I get the AP’s and upgrade PC!
@jtcf  & @decooney 

hi jack away!  I‘m loving hearing about your tweaks.  I’m learning alot from your journaling and I’m sure others are / will as well.  I’ve been asking myself similar questions and your feedback is hugely appreciated!  Thanks for the continual updating fellas 👍. Seriously, it is helpful and not going unnoticed.

Thanks for listing all of your equipment as well.  It helps everyone reading this to know exactly where you are coming from.  My amp/pre, dac (Anthem I-225, Bluesound Node 2i) is pretty entry level yet I can hear the same results as you guys are hearing. 
Whenever I had used to try to break down what percentage of your money goes where, I’d allot 10-15% for cables.  I thought that amount was actually high.  Now I’d say 20-35% should be spent.  Also, if you can swing a bunch of these Solo Crystals, you’ll be done forever and every component (speakers, amps, dacs, pre’s) will benefit.  I would love to have heard my favorite personal system I ever owned, with these in place.
@decooney , good to hear that you still have them and still like them! I almost sold mine just to get an 8 foot pair instead of 6 feet. I’ve also considered trying the big silver ovals but haven’t done so yet.

I did get some solo crystal xlr cables but my current amp doesn’t have xlr input. The nice thing about Analysis Plus is you can send any of your cables in and get them reterminated. I’m going to get my 2.0m pair of xlr’s converted to a 1.0m xlr and a 1.0m rca.
Anyhow, yeah, these cables are awesome. My system has gotten leaps and bounds better since I posted this and the AP solo crystals aren’t going anywhere.