Analogue Upgrade Help.

I have a VPI MK4/SME-309 using a Cary SLP98P (moving magnet) preamp. I want to upgrade to a Lyra Helikon (even an SL if that makes sense).

Should I have the Cary converted to MC or should I purchase an AcousTech PH-1, EAR or other comparably priced phono pre-amp.

Do these phono preamp selections preclude the Helikon SL cartridge model selection.

Does my TT/Arm combination preclude the Lyra Helikon or the SL upgrade from a practical perspective.
I certainly agree with the recommendation of the Grado Statement Reference in a high output model. I also have a MK4 TT with a classic Grado Signature arm; this cartridge sounds fantastic with this combo. Surface noise is so extremely low; it's just amazing. I have my VTA set such that the cartridge body is almost exactly parallel to the record, maybe just slightly negative, depending upon variables.
TWL and Tswhitsel - Thanks for the kind help and advice. I am planning to upgrade to a TNT or equivalent TT in a couple years but not immediately (ongoing kitchen/living room renovations preclude the added expense). I planned instead to upgrade the cartridge first, but I was under the false impression, based on reviewer/reader comments in Stereophile and TAS, that MC was the only way to go. I am very encouraged by Tswhitsel suggestion of the Grado Reference. I considered this cartridge but did not know what to expect. I use a Clearaudio Beta Aurum cartridge today and used a Grado Platinum last year.
Save your money and buy a Grado Reference high output version. If you're in no hurry you'll find a great deal on one sooner or later on Audiogon. You will be thrilled with this cartridge. I use a low ouput version (1mV)on my Well Tempered Reference, which replaced a Van den Hul Grasshopper Gold. I use an EAR phono preamp running into an Audible Illusions 3A. If I had the 4mV version that I'm recommending to you I would not even need the EAR as the phono stage on the AI is excellent, just not quite enough gain for 1mV. I imagine the Lyra would be a bit better than the Grado, but as stated by Twl above, your present turntable/arm combo may not do it the justice it deserves. My Well Tempered would, but the Grado is such a good match I don't see the point in spending the extra money. The Grados are that good!
Your TT and arm are compatible with a Lyra Helikon, if you want one. That is a very nice cartridge. I don't know how good the Cary phono stages are, but most tube units will not have enough gain for the Helikon. I would take a look at good phono step-up device that would allow you to retain the use of your Phono stage in the Cary, since you already have the RIAA section and some gain. A MC Step-up Transformer will allow you to load and step-up the output of the Lyra, and will plug right in to the MM phono section on your Cary. There are a number of makers of step-up trannies, like Denon, Cotter, Shelter, Ortofon, Audio-Technica. Or you could use a "head amp" which does the same thing, only amplifies instead of using a transformer. I see no reason to obsolete your phono stage and go to an outboard one. A step-up tranny or head amp will do. You will want about an extra 30db gain from the step-up device that you get for the Helikon.

From a practical perspective, I generally do not recommend getting a cartridge that is as costly as the TT you put it on, unless you already cannot benefit any further from upgrading in the TT area. In other words, I think that upgrading to a TNT would be more sonically beneficial than getting a Helikon SL on your MkIV. However if you have no intention of upgrading the TT any further, then by all means get whichever cart you want on it.