Analog vs PC

I recently purchased a music streamer 11 for $149.00, and the improvement in sound is unbelievable. To get this much improvement in "analog" would cost you at least $2000., and that ain't no exaggeration. I was around when the "graphanola" came out, so believe me, I know.

Showing 2 responses by orpheus10

When I bought the Music Streamer, I simply wanted to eliminate a slight hum that was more apparent at high volume levels; what I got was much more.

A "jet black background" was the first thing that cought my attention. This was followed by a larger soundstage with greater transparency; vocalists were floating in air, completely separated from the instruments which remained in stationary positions on my new 3D soundstage

While the streamer cost $149. I will give you an equivalent in "analog". We begin with a Rega Planar 3 and a Grado platinum cartridge. In order to get the same improvement, we would have to add: 1 motor, $175, rewire kit, $250, tone arm heavyweight, $110., acrylic audio platter, $120., Groove Platter, $220., Cartridge upgrade to Grado Master Reference, $1000. This total comes to $1875. and it does not include labor for motor, or tonearm wire installation. Nor does this include an expensive "phono preamp" because the Grado cartridge does not require one.

This is the cheapest you can get such a high quality of "analog" sound and it just equals the improvements made by the streamer.

Rapogee, that is the exact point I was making. When vinyl LP's are played back from the PC, are they considered "analog" or "digital"?