Analog upgrade time

Alrighty Minions of stereo nirvana, here's one I am struggling with the most. I need to upgrade my analog equipment (you guessed it digital side is now creeping past analog side). I have a Rega P6 turntable and a basic Mofi phonostage going into Audio Research LS17SE preamp and to AudioResearch Ref 75 amp. Yes I like tubes. Sadly I do not know the name of the cartridge company.  I want to upgrade cartridge and phono linestage as a set that match well with each other and are well suited for a tube system. I prefer MC vs MM.  Thoughts please. This is the one area that is my blind side. Thanks in advance.


Showing 1 response by pindac

If considering a used Phonostage, which is not a bad idea. It will most likely be one that is outside of a warranty period.

With the warranty period spent, it makes the idea of modifying a model more attractive.

Any used models on the shortlist can be checked out to discover which are being altered by using circuit mod's done by others.

Modifications can be done in various ways. One, might be a send away for the mod', another a DIY method where a local skilled individual is capable to produce it, or the final option a DIY undertaking.

This can be a very cost-effective way to achieving a design that might even surpass more expensive models' performances from the same Brand and in doing so, produce an end product that surpasses, as well as competes closely to a much wider range of Branded Models.