Analog upgrade time

Alrighty Minions of stereo nirvana, here's one I am struggling with the most. I need to upgrade my analog equipment (you guessed it digital side is now creeping past analog side). I have a Rega P6 turntable and a basic Mofi phonostage going into Audio Research LS17SE preamp and to AudioResearch Ref 75 amp. Yes I like tubes. Sadly I do not know the name of the cartridge company.  I want to upgrade cartridge and phono linestage as a set that match well with each other and are well suited for a tube system. I prefer MC vs MM.  Thoughts please. This is the one area that is my blind side. Thanks in advance.


Showing 2 responses by milo0812

@ghdprentice I was leaning towards trying the phono pre first, your advice dovetails with that. Appreciate it. I think previewing the Sutherland and the ARC is likely my next step. I'm trying to find a sweet spot, somewhere between 3-5K.

@audphile1 thanks so much for the info about the Suttherland 20/20. I spent some time perusing the website. Turns out they are local for me. I rang Ron and chatted about what I'm looking to do and he had some good thoughts. He is going to let me preview a few things (little Loco and 20/20). Great suggestion thanks!