Analog to digital interface

I'm seeking the best way to transfer some of my vinyl to my music drive while preserving the quality of the recordings in the best way. I'm running my tt through a Magnum Cronus 2 which has fixed and variable outputs (RCA) but I'm looking for an interface to a USB port on the laptop that I'm using for a server...hopefully by the least complicated path and with the best bang for the buck....Suggestions?
invictus...Just my luck...Put out a call for a sound engineer and a philosopher shows up...:-) But seriously...Random play, addition to song lists, not having to jump up and raise the tone arm every 22.8 minutes...

orpheus...Good idea...I'll try the PC audio group...

Thanks for the responses...

You would do better to pose your question to PC audio.

There are audiophile cards that you put in your computer. I have them but forgot what they were. Once you get everything just right, your playback will sound identical to playing a record.

Good luck, and be patient, you'll get there.