Analog or Digital and why?

Computers don't make very good guitars. Back in the 90's the debate raged with digital people saying one day digital will get so good, records will become obsolete. Well it's 25 years later and, well the digital thing never happened and analog never sounded better. However you got to remorgage your house. And buy records. 

Showing 1 response by willy-t

Either way  no matter what, people will always say that digital sounds sooooo analog or that high res file sounds sooooo much like vinyl.  Analog formats will always be the baseline or reference for discussions like this.
Also in 30 years you look back and say to your grandkids, here ,you can have all these files or oops I don’t know where they went or you can say, pick out any records you want and then help me to EBay the rest
Oh wow this ones worth $500 now!  You will never say or experience this with a file of any kind.  
Enjoy the music Will-T