Analog or Digital and why?

Computers don't make very good guitars. Back in the 90's the debate raged with digital people saying one day digital will get so good, records will become obsolete. Well it's 25 years later and, well the digital thing never happened and analog never sounded better. However you got to remorgage your house. And buy records. 

Showing 8 responses by jjss49


am i understanding what you are saying correctly - that ticks and pops playing LP’s come from the phono stage, not the needle in the groove of the record??????

i have a lot respect for your postings on this forum - but if i am understanding you correctly i have to roll my eyes and shake my head on this one...
regarding analog - i cannot express how disappointed i am with the modern, high end LP reissues

such poor quality, such high prices

we analog lovers, past or present, are being punked

and pateks will go out style

and porsche 911’s will be passe

and french bordeauxs will be supplanted by new zealand selections

and jacques pepin techniques will go out of style

quality endures

sometimes i want discover new music, music that comes recommended from various avenues in the genres i enjoy (and some other genres occasionally too!)

sometimes i want the comfort and enjoyment of listening to old chestnuts i love

when i have found music i really enjoy, it make it a ’favorite’ on the streaming source and will listen repeatedly/often

if i really love the music, i may pursue finding it in different media such as in LP form, just to have it and be able to hear it from a different source

imo the dating/one night stand vs marriage analogy mentioned earlier is misplaced and misguided, although the whole post raised some interesting points

better analogy is sometimes we go to new, well reviewed, recommended restaurants, sometimes we go to old favorites to eat our go-to items for comfort and consistencyn- reality is, enjoying food and dining, we do both - though obviously in varying proportions depending on preferences

reading the recent posts reminds me of when i used to regularly attend various high end hifi shows at CES, Rocky Mountain fest, etc etc

it is a shame folks on this forum can’t hear others’ systems playing their chosen music ... doing so would likely have folks state their points of view with a more humble more enlightened more respectful tone and perspective

easy to hide behind an online identity and be strident and ugly and be so fast with the put downs of others' points of view, rather than be there in person, show your face and identity, say it to their face

those rooms at the shows also highlighted to me how broad and varying tastes there are in music and equipment and ’sounds’ of systems

obviously everyone at these shows are trying to show off and impress with their wares, paying handsomely for the opportunity to do so, but SOOOO many of the rooms sounded poor as could be agreed by many who visited those rooms, be they members of the press, folks in the business, folks just there for the hobby
+1 @electroslacker

this is what shifts the balance massively towards digital

truly the world’s music collection at your fingertips, especially new music ... so even if digital reproduction sq is 1-2 percent less good sounding than analog (not debating this point here, it is such a pointless debate)... to hear, sample, experience any and all recommended and heretofore unknown music to me is such a huge upgrade in the whole enjoyment factor and happiness!

don’t get me wrong, i love my tt/cart/phono stage i have poured so much time and money into it to make it sound great... but digital streaming is just da bomb... sooo much fun  :)
digital music reproduction is now as good as analog - they may sound a little different, but very good versions of each is equally enjoyable imo