Analog Lovers and Filterless DACs

Hey vinyl lovers,
What inexpensive CD players or transport/DAC combos give you the most satisfaction?
I might need to downsize my digital rig for other projects, but it only gets about 10% of my listening time, so not the end of the world.
Having read some positives about Scott Nixons, Audio Mirror and Ack, thinking about giving one of these a try...Most CDPs just don't sound musical to me. Suggestions? Thanks,

Showing 1 response by islandflyfisher

I agree with Kublakahn. I'm in the process of ripping my CD collection as I made the switch a couple of weeks ago. Using a computer with music stored on a hard drive in conjunction with an outboard DAC will give you amazing results. I replaced my Marantz SA14 SACD player with a computer hard drive server. I added a USB external hard drive to my existing PC and Roku Soundbridge into my Audio Mirror DAC. I’m using iTunes and ripping my music to AIFF files. It's so incredibly convenient listening to music and it sounds better than when I used the SA14 as a redbook transport. I’ve also now have a volume control since my pre amp does not have remote control. No more searching for a CD or having to worry about placing it back in the right place. All your music can be played through iTunes or other similar software so playlists and custom indexing are all possible.

Since you have a PC already, your total investment will be less than $450 to $700 (depending on HD size) plus the cost of a DAC. It’s the best and least expensive way to go.