Analog Front End for 5000

I have been listening to digitals. Recently, I bought many classic LPs at very good price. I want to set up my analog system. I purchased a music hall MMF-7 TT to test, but I am not satisfied. I want to buy a turn table, a tone arm and a cartridge with a budget of $5000. I listen to classic music the most.
By the way, how much should I spend to set up an analog system which can sound better than any CD player.
Any suggestion is appreciated.

Showing 1 response by chazmo

There's a Basis 2001 w/Graham 2.2 for sale here right now... with some negotiation you may be able to get in just over your budget with a respectable cartridge. I have this rig (with a MicroBenz m2) and I'm very pleased...