Ana Mighty Sound 103.3

I am offering a quick description of my modified Denon 103r. I have read reviews about how great the already good sounding Denon 103R or plain 103 can be once re-bodied. I am the type who has to try it for myself in order to be sure eveything is optimized. After looking at the various companies performing mods, Zu, Sound Smith, etc. I decided to go with Ana Mighty Sound in France. One of the things that helped me make my decision was the fact that I mistakenly thought the cue was up on my SL-1200 GAE and I ended up knocking the cartridge into the platter thereby scewing the cantilever. Choice made, get the mod :)

While I waited I bought a second Lp Zupreme Headshell and a second 103r so that I could do a head to head comparison once my modified 103r was returned to me.

I received the modified 103r (henceforth referred to as 103a, for "103 Ana") this past Friday so it is REALLY new, read not run-in.

Even so, cold out of box it is better than the stock unit but after about two hours it is surprising me with just how well it is performing. It is at this point far beyond the 103r. Whereas my mac mini with LPS and Uptone JS-1 power supply (also with the fan kit), iUSB 3.0, x2 iFi Gemini II USB cables, AMR DP 777 se, HQPlayer and Roon, easily outperforms the 103r, the 103a has pulled slightly ahead of my digital on the admitted limited testing I have been able to do.

I purchased the 103.3 with the Malachite body, boron cantilever with micro-ridge stylus and the 22 degree angle adjust for the modern stylus (Ana Mighty Sound are the only modifiers I know of who correctly adjust the angle of the cantilever on the 103 after installing a more modern and acute stylus).

I now have a cartridge that is absolutely world class for 783 Euro (plus the original) cost of the 103r. I have compared it directly to my London Reference ($5K) which is mounted on a Schick Oil-Soaked graphite headshell. They sound very close but the 103a has a bit better body on female vocals. If 50 is dead neutral I would say the London is 49. It is on jazz or blues, basically anything with drums, piano or large dynamic swings and peaks where the London just simply cleans the clock of any other cartridge I have heard. The London very much reminds in some regards to my R2R running 15ips.

I am going to order another Lp Zupreme today so that I can compare my Ortofon MC Anna to the 103a.

I will say that my SL1200 GAE with the SPL Phonos and my 103a is absolutely world class. I don’t know at this point if I will ever purchase another expensive cartridge. I actually was not prepared for my secondary analog rig to take that big a leap in performance. I am very very pleased with the purchase.

I will continue to comment as the unit runs-in.

The linear power supply project for my SL 1200 GAE was delayed do to extreme flooding in the area which delayed parts delivery. That project will probably commence in about the next 4 weeks and I will write that up. I am glad it happened that way as I don’t like changing more than one variable at a time.

Until next time.

Showing 3 responses by invictus005

@chakster It's typical audiophile human nature. Not being able to afford or not willing to spend a lot of money. Read countless meaningless forum posts. Convince oneself that one is getting a giant killer for a fraction of the cost. Realization hits that the product is junk and one gets what they paid for. Spend additional money to make it acceptable. Which is now still not as good as if the same amount was spent originally on a better product. Rinse and repeat.
You guys are so blowing this out of proportion. 103.3 is an entry level low fi MC cartridge. It's not even a good option in the $400 range, yet alone $2000.

For one, OC9/II is in another Universe better for a cheaper end MC.

But as been mentioned before, ART9, 2M Black, van den Hul, Quintet Black, AT VM760SLC, etc. 

$2000 can buy just about any state of the art cartridge, MM or MC. Forget that Denon. 

0.25mV cartridge at 57dB gain will sound terrible, even if the volume can be turned up far enough to make it loud. It will sound anemic without drive and solid bass. Why would one want to do this?