I was certainly enjoying my system prior to the hearing aids. Your mind compensates. You might want to check out a free hearing test. I am enjoying it more, especially analog since so much of the information is in the midrange. Sorry if I came off like a curmudgeon, just thought the reference to an old rocker was fun. The quality of the widex is excellent and to quote Michael fremer cost about the price of audiophile interconnects
An older audiophiles new equipment
The pandemic and persistent wearing of masks in the hospital forced me to confront difficulties hearing or understanding elderly patients, especially women. A hearing test almost moderate loss in the 1 to 7k range. Initial trial of Kirkland device sounded like a computer generated voice. Discourages dropped this issue until a chance meeting with an audiologist. He confirmed the loss and suggested a Widex moment. What a world of difference in the busy er of alarms, masks, and frail. How is this device going to measure up to a 3k dac and 7k speakers. Listening at lower volumes and hearing details. I had stopped most of my lp use thinking the more modest priced cartridge was the culprit. Spent hours with vinyl.
Did a google search and Michael fremer gave thrm
a positive review Wanted to share this with those with tinnitus and decreased acuity “What a drag it is getting old” M Jagger