An Odd Question

What if any is the sonic impact of having multiple (3) acoustic guitars on stands in your listening room? Is stereo imaging or other audible parameters impacted? 

Showing 5 responses by noble100


     Good point, the Swiss were actually being neutral.  My long held belief, that the only good Nazi is a dead Nazi, is not strictly speaking neutral.


You are correct mysterioso 1 and I apologize for straying from your possible guitar rattling issue on my last post.

It’s just that lately my thoughts tend to focus more on the current political and economic angst and the general rattling within our republic than on other issues. I also realize that I have a much more effective solution for this actual society wide rattling issue than I do for your possible guitar rattling issue.

Best wishes to all for a sane and safe voting experience,

     Now you're making good sense, mysterioso 1!

     My earlier comments about making sure not to play the guitars while listening to music to avoid any sonic impact were, of course, facetious.  I thought it was obvious but, apparently, not to roxy54.
     My intended point being that perhaps it's better for our mental health and musical enjoyment that we avoid splitting too many hairs and becoming too OCD in this hobby.  
     When my system's firing on all cylinders, the music is good and everything sounds viscerally just right, Heck!, I think and feel like I might be resonating a bit.
     I just feel very satisfied, sit back, listen and enjoy the whole good vibrations experience. 


     Simple, just make sure nobody is playing any of them while listening and there will be no sonic impact.

That was easy,
     Even Switzerland wasn't actually completely neutral during WWII, Nazi pillaged money proved too tempting for the Swiss banks.
