Raul wrote:Bob is certainly entranced with his way of looking at this issue but as with most things in life, simple theories are typically complicated by reality.
Maybe what you have to do is to convince to the RIAA about your subject because with out standards is very difficult to follow a " rule " like you want.
First, we have a massive inventory of already recorded material that doesn't follow his rules. The bulk of this can't be re-recorded, what with dead artists and a lot of the still-living ones likely not interested in the issue from his viewpoint.
But even if all new recordings from this point forward followed his rules, this would mean compromises that would adversely affect sound quality in other ways.
Some time ago I pointed out that the live sound level of a harpsichord is much lower than that of a full symphony orchestra. The book "The Physics of Musical Instruments" by Fletcher & Rossing indicates the harpsichord's volume level is about 68 DB +/- 5 dB. A symphony orchestra can easily exceed 100 dB.
If I set the recording medium to allow for 110 dB peaks from the symphony without distortion, that means my harpsichord should be recorded 37 dB under (110 db orchestra - 68 dB + 5 harpsichord = 37) under that level. Only then will my relative playback levels be correct for each recording without adjusting the amplifier volume knob.
The reality is that I've just intentionally thrown away 37 dB of signal to noise ratio for my harpsichord recording. S/N ratio is precious in recording, particularly for vinyl records where you're doing pretty good if you have much over 60 dB to start with. I find nothing "audiophile" by intentionally reducing my S/N ratio in the recorded medium to 23 dB (60 - 37) just to satisfy an urge to avoid touching the amp volume.
The reality is that the playback electronics have a lot more S/N bandwidth to spare than a LP. It makes no sense to me to give up something in short supply in order to conserve something I have lots of.
That said, I appreciate that Bob's method is meaningful to him and seems to provide him with increased listening pleasure. However, there are some very good reasons that it is unlikely to gain popularity with most people.