An Advent Guy

Last weekend I hooked up a pair of my Large Advents just to remind myself that before I became a wannabe audiophile, I was just an Advent guy. I guess I still am. Any golden oldie still knock you out (for no particular reason)?
Is this just about speakers or any 'Golden Oldie' gear? And can't there be a reason for it 'knocking you out'?

Their are parts of my current system that are 20yrs old, and still knock me out because I haven't heard anything that sounds substantially better: Goldmund, SME, MartinLogan, Nakamichi, Wadia. Yup, all 20years old (some older!)

True, I started about 30years before THAT (late 50's/early 60's) and I'd love to hear some of that stuff that I sold or (stooopidly let go ;-( I'll bet just hooked up using today's cable technology and power regenerators, it might blow a few minds (even the minds of the original designers!)

I had a pair of L-100's and agree with MoFi on that. But before that, I had a pair of AR-4a's. Wonder what those would sound like with a Levinson or Boulder amp!! Or those Infinity RS 4.5's. I gave my Crown 700 R2R to some f**ked up DJ in 1984! And I have no idea what happened to my Mitchell Cotter SUT. A friend of mine still has my Maggie Tympani 1-D's, won't listen to them, but won't sell them to someone who would! Just take me out back and shoot me!~
I recently retrieved my New Large Advents from my parents' house that I bought new in '77 for my first decent system. I hooked them up and they sounded suprisingly good. One of the dpdt switches for the tweeter smoothing didn't work in two positions. As luck would have it, it only worked in the "extended" position.

I opened them up and decided to rebuild the crossovers. Not much to them really - a couple of caps, resister, inductor. Bought the parts from Parts Express and they arrived today. I'm looking forward to the hearing how they sound. But from what I heard the other day, wow, certainly a speaker that costs 10 times as much is not 10 times better.
I love my original large advents, wouldn't part with them...and their are some expensive speakers in this house...
had the woofers refoamed, and I'm in love all over again...
Don't forget the double stacked Advents. Sounded pretty good.
Still have my Mac 230 and 275. Rebuilt and still sound great.
Really miss my Marantz 7C, Mac 240s and Harbeth LS/35as, really engaging sound.
I owned the Original Advent speakers back in the day and thought they were okay, but not that special, and likewise for the smaller Advent.

I also bought the JBL L100's new... Initially, their "midrange presense" got my attention, but after owning them a while I realized how peaky they were. Traded them for AR 3A speakers and was much happier with those.

The DCM Time Windows impressed me although I never owned a pair.

Right now I have an old pair of Altec 3841 speakers that are very robust and sound extremely good in a vintage system with a '70's Onkyo receiver.

Magnepan's MG I Improved and MG-3 speakers made a very positive impression on me when I owned them (and were a lot of fun), but the speakers that impressed me the most (aside from the Infinity Servo-Static 1A's I couldn't afford), were the Acoustat X full-range electrostatic speakers with the original tube servo-charge amplifiers. Later, the Acoustat 2+2's would become my reference with some highly modified Acoustat servo-charge amps that used custom polystyrene coupling capacitors and 6LF6 tubes (wish I still had those).

I've moved on since then, but recall those days fondly.