AMR CD77 vs Ensemble Dirondo Drive/Dichrono Hi-DAC

Has anyone compared these two?

The Ensemble pairing is considerably more expensive

Showing 1 response by jjurzec


Your door should not stick, in fact it sounds like your door censor may have come loose and is effecting your ability to close the door or read its position properly. It could have happened in shipping or it could be several other things but it shouldn't be doing that.

Why don't you call your dealer or Avatar Acoustics, the distributor as I'm sure they will work with you to correct the problem.

Avatar's web-site address is and you can get the contact information there if you can't get this resolved with your dealer.

I'm not sure who your dealer is and you should go there first but Darren and Bonnie at Avatar are great people to work with too if you can't get it resolved by your dealer.