Just curious if the AMR CD-77 has made it to the dealers yet?
I am very curious about this player.
Does anyone know where I can go demo it in NY?

Showing 6 responses by btstrg

Okay, I know you are a dealer and am asking you with that knowledge what are YOUR impressions of the player.
You have had it for a week I am sure you have some.
I am asking you so be subjective all you want, I would like to know your initial impressions.
Thank you.
This updating kind off worries me.
I know of another new model player that was released around 6 months or so ago that has already gone through quite off few updates and they were all addressing certain problems with the player.
Why would they have not updated the players prior to them being shipped to you??
Updating them and shipping from the factory would make more sense then them coming to you for a week then sending them back to be updated and then back to you??
Sounds fishy?
Don’t mean to sound skeptical but this doesn’t make sense.

You address the sound question with (As for the sound, it speaks for itself.) What does that mean??
I have no doubt that the Cd-77 player sounded very well but were you able to test it on other gear??

That would be allot more helpful than 50,000 plus gear, NOT including cables and all in that price.

I believe the Sound labs themselves cost around 30,000?

I would think you could make most anything sound good on that system!
Don’t take this the wrong way, I would just like to know if you have put it in a more real world system, That would be allot more useful to me.

To clear something up, Brian was not the dealer that the company was talking about.
I believe Brian has always been up front about being a AMR dealer.
What kind of comments are these? I could gtell you but then this wouldn't get posted.

(The fact that you are not blown away, leads me to suspect that you like HiFi type sound. Another consideration may be that your cabling is also suspect and that you are in need of new technologically advanced cables that require no burn in)

Are you saying if people don’t like it they only like HIFI sound?? Have you heard or are you basing that comment on what others have said.
And what about his cables?? Just because we all don’t have the VD cables you have been preaching about for months now, does that make all of our cables inferior to yours? I don’t think so!

I am always amazed by people making comments of things they have never heard or at least heard in there system. if people, don’t like the comments its always easy to blame it on there system instead of, in this case the AMR CD-77.

Not everyone is going to like this player people.

Do we have a financial interest in this?
You seem to have allot of info regarding what they have sent out and so on.
Every time someone post an opinion on it, that isn’t glowing you seem too responded negative.
You are making assumptions that people haven’t broken the unit in or listened to it long enough.
People give opinions all day long on forums like this about other products; I don’t see you responding to them like you are this thread?
Again, what is your interest in this player? Are you associated with it in anyway? Just curious.
God forbid people will have there own opinion!
I said it before; there isn’t one thing in Audio that everyone will agree on, if there was there would be no need other manufactures, would there?