Just curious if the AMR CD-77 has made it to the dealers yet?
I am very curious about this player.
Does anyone know where I can go demo it in NY?

Showing 7 responses by billyg1

I just want to know how any one can even comment how the new amr sounds without proper breakin. I have been told that it takes almost 200 hours for it to sound its best so any opinions at this present time is pointless. Also, if the unit is the beta version than it is even more pointless.
you should read more carefully what people post. You started this whole negative thng about amr when yoo posted that they should have updated all their equipment before they shipped it out. Well that is the farthest thing from accurate. They shipped out a beta version to a few dealers. All and every piece that is being shipped currently is the finished product. There is no person who has a cd77 that needs an update. Beta versions are just that and every company has a beta before the finished product hits the streets. It's called product development. If you read more carefully you would save every one a lot of time.
How long did you audition the amr cd77 for in your system? Was the unit broken in for a few hundred hours? Just trying to figure out why so many people comment on audio gear that is not broken in yet. It doesn't paint an accurate picture for people inquiring about certain equipment
I just pay attention to what people write and no matter what is said, someone always interprets what was written incorrectly. I think everyone is entitled to thier own opinion but when it comes to audio equipment proper breakin is required for all equipment. It took me almost 700 hours to breakin in my von schweikert vr4 srs. A one week home audition for a new piece of audio gear is not proper breakin for any new piece of gear and most manufacturers recommend at least 2-3 hundred hours. I hope this clarifies. Also, it seems that people keep posting about the amr cd77 and no one in the USA has a new unit. The only unit available is a beta version which is a demo that was updated to spec a few weeks ago.
I thought you said that you had a cd 77 and amp at home for a review and than prefered the arc equipment
where do you guys live? I am also intersted in both the arc and the amr. Did you hear the actual production unit or the beta version? It is my understanding that there are no amr cd77's in the USA yet and all the dealers domestically and in Europe have the beta version that has been updated to the current level that will be shipped out this month. This is according to the importer. How was the base on the audio research player. I know that the reference 3 pre-amp is awesome. Is the cd player as good?