AMR AM-77 integrated

Anyone heard the Abbingdon Music Research AM-77 amp
yet? There's a tremendous buzz in Europe about both the amp
and the CD-77 technical and build quality. But how do they sound?
Darren just got the new player and says that it is the finest front end that he has ever heard ( and that includes Zanden, Wadia,Reimyo,Essoteric).Apparently,the player has the most analog sound and is built like the proverbial brick house.Nothing in this player has been left to chance and it addresses every shortcoming of digital (many parts of this component are made OEM for AMR ).Darren feels that this player is truly special because of the Dac's and custom transport mechanism as well as the NOS tube output section in the player.I think the player will be showing at CES this year and you can contact Avatar for more info.Hope this helps Dennis
This fellow on audioasylum heard it at a recent show in London:

"Standout room for me and it's not often I get blown away and I've got a decent rig myself was the Abbingdon Music Research room with the CD77/AM77 and LS77 speakers. This is a complete system for about £12K and it was phenomenal. Huge soundstage and lifelike sized images with that presence factor you get with horns. I was amazed you could get all this for £12K. I'm tempted to say it beats my system in some ways and the CD player sounded, and I know this is first impressions, better than my Audio Aero Prestige. How can Thorsten do it for less than 5 grand. This is going to compete with the Esoterics, Meitner gear and dare I say it the Zanden players. When Srajan gets to hear this he'll be writing pages!"

Link is here:
You should contact Darren at Avatar acoustics .com since he is the importer for the USA.I think that his samples are being shipped as we speak and he will be auditioning them asap to see if the sonics are as good as the build quality.Apparently the designer Loche is very well know and does some bang up work when it comes to design.I am very impressed with the cd player and how every little detail concerning each parameter has been addressed.Darren is very picky as too what he represents and would only put up with the best!Hope this helps Dennis