Amps/Preamps for Revel Studios

I just purchased a pair of Revel Studios. I would like some suggestions of new/used amps and preamps that will be a good match. I'm interested in amps first, and would like to spend under $5000 for one. I'm considering the Bryston 7b monoblocks, Proceed HP2 and laterally biamp, or used Levinson, but any other suggestions would be helpful. Thanks for your views and experiences.
THE AMP for the Revel Studio's is the Jeff Rowland Model 10 (of course in my opinion).
The combination of the Studio's and Rowland 10's are a match made in heaven.
Way better than the Studio's/Levinson (334-336)combination.

Do yourself a favor and go listen to the Studio's and Rowland 10 together.

I know that new it is over your budget, but there is a Rowland 10 listed in the clasifieds by a guy who is upgrading to the Rowland 12's.
Rowland is great gear but there is no better match for the revels than MARK LEVINSON !!!!!!!! There is a great synergy between the two. You can buy a 335 for 4,500 to 4,800 on the used market and you will be in heaven. I know I have one and love it. good luck
There you have it! X answers - X opinions :-)
Well, that's normal, isn't it. But let me throw in my humble opinion. I am a REVEl fan! I purchased the ULTIMA SYSTEM a year ago and for me there is no better speaker in the world for my needs. I test auditioned the REVEL Salon and since my impression of that audition is equal to the audition with the GEM/SUB I must say that Mark Levinson doesn't do it for me at all. Much too harsh, much to over exposed. The PASS MX5 was a step better but heavens opened up with tube gear!! I don't know if a powereful enough amp will fit your budget, but maybe not today maybe tomorrow. The McIntosh MC 2000 feeding the REVEL Ultima System is my final high end solution. End of search in that field.
Good luck