Amps for driving Tekton Electron SE

Hi all,

Anyone have experience mating amps to Tekton Electron speakers, or other similar Tekton speakers (Double Impact being probably the closest analogue)? I ordered a 4 ohm version and the Tekton site says they are 99db sensitive (I doubt it). The speakers haven't arrived yet (6-8 week delivery time!). I presently have a pretty low powered and inexpensive 300b amp (7.6 watts per channel). 

What do folks recommend for amps? I'm curious about First Watt amps and Decware amps, but also just curious.


I have the Electron SEs and I'm driving them with a Pass XA30.5 and a Linear Tube Audio microZOTL 2 as a preamp.  I love this combination.  I can't say enough nice things about the LTA piece.  Especially if you get some NOS tubes in there.  I was originally looking at First Watt too but found a great deal on the XA30.5 so I pulled the trigger on that.  I would still love to hear my Electrons with an F7 though.  I also would love to hear them with the Raven integrated as that was another route that I almost took.  I think you will be very happy with the speakers.  I am.  Best of luck
I own a pair of 8 ohm Pendragons which are listed as 95dB sensitive. I’ve tried running an Elekit 300B SET amp through them, and it sounded beautiful and drove them with ease. My point is that it seems that most Tekton speakers pair well with many different amp types in general, be it an 8 wpc SET amp or a 100 wpc Class A/B amp, etc.
It also wouldn’t hurt to give Eric a call and ask his opinion. He’s very helpful, knowledgeable, and just a friendly guy.