Amps for CLSII?

Does anyone have recommendations for amplifiers for the Martin Logan CLSII? I'm looking for a low cost (<$1500) new or used, probably SS amps to try out a used pair of CLSII that I recently acquired.

I've tried my 80 w tube amps, the sound is really terrible, and I can get very bad, loud distortion (intermittent)on the panels if I increase the volume to past 11 PM. The panels are 14 years I might need to replace the panels, but thought it might be worth trying a new amp first...?

There are currently good new prices on the Anthem Amp 2 hybrid, 200 w/ch and the Aragon 8008 MkII, 400 w/ch at 4 ohms. Would you recommend one of these, or something else?

Current equipment is:
preamp: ARC LS8 mkII
GTA 80 w mono tube amps
Sony DVP9000ES
harmonic tech and AQ cables
(and this setup sounds great with my ML SL3)

Thanks in advance,

Showing 1 response by upscaleaudio

Panels on mine (they were series 1) went bad twice. They refuse to admit that they deteriorate. They do...and will become evident by being harder and harder to get loud. Then will start to snap and buzz when pushed.

What works for cheap? Aragon used, or Muse 150 monoblocs...

You need true extension on top. Electrostats are NOT bright. I don't know where that rumor comes from. What they DO suffer from is lack of true extension on top. So you need an amp that is not soft or dark.