Amps and integrateds w/ similar sonic sig to MC275

Hi folks,

I've been out of the audio realm for a while, but I now want to put together a small system with good performance. I have had a lot of experience listening and owning some good gear, so I am not a beginner.

As far as amps goes, I've owned SS (Pass Labs) and tubes (McIntosh), and in my last nice system I had the MC275 (production model after the Gow version, but before the version with the modern speaker terminals) running. I probably never should have sold it... I really enjoyed the sound; engaging and lively, with some base slam when needed. Overall, it was all the amp I needed, and probably could be again, but I'll need to buy another one.

Since I do need to buy an amp, I feel I should do a reasonable search before I get the MC275 again... I like to know that I have evaluated all my reasonable options...

The first question is what amps would you recommend as a sonic twin to the MC275?

Because I was thinking a small system, I was thinking possibly of an integrated instead. Can anyone recommend any integrated amps that have a similar sonic signature to the MC275? I will probably be buying used, and probably don't want to go over the price of an MC275 used unless there is a real compelling reason (at that point, I'd probably go for the MC275 again).

I don't have a speaker selected yet, but will be looking at the Totems, Sonus Faber, and similar. Not big floorstanders, but probably not the bookshelf versions.

Thanks. If I need to provide any more information, let me know...


Showing 1 response by pdreher

I've owned both the MC 275 MKV and the MA2275. They do not sound the same. The MC 275MKV is superior. Suggest you bite the bullet, do it right the first time and just buy another MC 275. I paired it with an Aesthetix Calypso with NOS tubes... a very nice pairing and highly recommended.

As far as KT88's, I used both the stock tubes and Golden Lion re-issues. I preferred the Gold Lion's, but the stock chinese KT88's sounded good too. I think the main focus should be on rolling NOS signal tubes. I used both Mullard CV4004's & Telefunken's in the 12AX7 slot & Sylvania gold label 12AT7's.