Amplifiers:A Keeper for Life. Do you know of one ?

Just wondering, with this audio merry-go-round of buying and selling, if anyone has an amp that will be a keeper for life. I haven't yet but came verrrry close once...

Showing 4 responses by zephyr24069

Maker Audio NL14 Stereo or Monos...just put a stereo version in my system,....cold, OOTB, "WOW" is the word that comes to mind.
Edge NL 12.1s are definite "keepers". I have owned two, still have one after the move from HT+2channel to 2channel a couple of years ago and have not heard anything in the solid state world that approaches it for the sound quality and musicality I want in my system. This, at least to me, is a 'destination' piece of gear.
I've mentioned my Edge NL 12.1s previously; they are definitely a keeper. The big Karans (don't own them but have heard them) certainly make the list. The entry that has my attention right now, and something I am dying to hear about and hear in person is Tom Maker's (Maker Audio) NL14 stereo and the NL14+ monos....I have to find a way to hear them but surmised based upon details I was given about all the lessons learned that have been applied to them, I suspect they will find a place on this list.
Edge NL 12.1 (or 10.1 but 12.1 has more power), Maker Audio NL14 Stereo or Monos......