Amplifiers:A Keeper for Life. Do you know of one ?

Just wondering, with this audio merry-go-round of buying and selling, if anyone has an amp that will be a keeper for life. I haven't yet but came verrrry close once...

Showing 4 responses by oblgny

I know I'll regret stating this newly purchased Pass Labs X150.5 tops my list of amplifiers - and it's a 30 year long list of Carver, Marantz, Conrad Johnson, McIntosh, Emotiva, Adcom, Rotel, Cayin...Audio Research.
Unfair to claim that this is my absolute favorite since the above list testifies contrarily to similar claims made in the past, but I will state that this won't be leaving my possession. If I tire of it for any reason or just get the "bug" again any time soon, this one will find good company along with my beloved Pioneer SX950 and my Marantz 2250b. Just can't let em go.
You're killing me....

And I thought I was done chasing the dragon this year...

Damn. I know I'm going to check them out now.

Looks like everyone's getting socks for Christmas!
I'm still breaking in a Primare A34.2 Class D amplifier mated to a B. A. T. VK3i tube preamplifier...150 watts into 8 ohms, "almost double that into 4."  (Primare's response to my inquiry regarding the non-disclosure of its 4 ohm rating.) Primare's user manuals are startlingly Spartan - I also have their R32 phono stage. The amp was approximately $2k which, methinks was a decent investment overall. 

I continue to rue the day I sold my Pass Labs X150.5 and used the funds to purchase a McIntosh MC275 Mark VI - which I had for all of 6-8 months.  (Great little amp but I found that McIntosh's customer support leaves much to be desired.) The Pass has been my absolute benchmark/comparison amp - I can't think of another one in my experience that just gets everything right.  I'm in the process of squirreling money away to get another unit sometime this year. (The used ones have increased by $1k...)  Reno Hifi is the best source. 

What's so good about the X150.5?  150/300 into 8/4 ohms, more power than I truly needed but always nice to know is there - an amp that imparts nothing in the sonics.  I'm flogging myself with a spare generic power cord as I write this...