Amplifiers:A Keeper for Life. Do you know of one ?

Just wondering, with this audio merry-go-round of buying and selling, if anyone has an amp that will be a keeper for life. I haven't yet but came verrrry close once...

Showing 1 response by bjpd57a1

To most, nothing special, but for me, My PS Audio GCA amplifiers, are ALL I need.

Somehow, the "gain-cell" technology, delivers power

that,at least the 2 models I own, are Both, STABLE

to 1 ohm regardless the speaker.(I tried) Also; Both
Delivering The very Best "FIRST!" Watt, from an amplifier. IMHO.

If the first watt, is garbage, what follows, won't be ANY,

Better. Just Louder.

They are cool running, 24/7/365 never off.

Never ANY problems at ALL.

Don't draw huge electricity.

Paul should be very Proud.

I Love Music!