Amplifier upgrade for Kef Reference 4c trio

I recently took the leap to make a major upgrade to my living room (17' x 17' x 10') audio quality and jumped on the current KEF promotion to get a trio of Reference 4c as part of a larger 5.2.2 setup that is doing dual duty as an HT and a 2-channel system. I had previously been about to pull the trigger on the Reference 3/Reference 2c set based on some broad-ranging speaker auditions, so I knew what I was getting into from a general sound perspective  Despite the oddity of using what's technically a center channel turned on end, they have been an astonishingly good sound, and I couldn't be happier with what I'm getting from them, from a 2-channel or a HT system perspective. They also look quite attractive in rosewood, if I may say.

The challenge I'm currently having is that I am not sure my current amp, an NAD M27, is going to be up to the task of driving them. The Reference 4c are nominally rated at 8 ohms and 90dB, but their impedance can go as low as 2.9 ohms (per the recent ASR review), and KEF recommends amplifiers with power ratings of 50W - 400W for them. If I understand the rule of thumb math correctly, the amplifier for the front LCR should be in the 240W to 440W range, or greater, and the M27 just can't quite cover that.  With stereo amps, there's a wide range of options, but for driving those 3 channels, this power requirement limits my options.  My equipment space limitations mean I really can't fit more than about 10u of amplifiers, and the WAF for this project does not extend to having monoblocks out on the floor, or anything that has exposed tube amplification. The other major consideration is that I need to keep my amplifier budget under about $13k.  For the two-channel side of things, I'm currently using a Legacy Audio Wavelet preamp/DAC/Crossover and a BlueSound Node connected to the Wavelet's USB in. My AV processor is an Anthem AVM 70 which is feeding the front L/R channels to the Wavelet and the rest directly to the M27 amp. To satisfy providing 7 channels and ensuring the front three have adequate power, these are the options I've identified that can work in my space

  1. Legacy Audio iV3 Ultra paired with either the existing M27 or an iV4
  2. Bryston 21B^3 paired with the M27 (this handily beat out the McIntosh MC303 in a back to back listening test with some Contour 60i speakers, so I've stricken the latter from the list of options)
  3. 3x Benchmark AHB2 as bridged monoblocks paired with the M27
  4. 2x Parasound Halo A51, bi-amping the front LCR and using the remaining 4 channels for the surrounds
  5. 3x PS Audio M700 monoblocks paired with the M27

Have I missed any viable options here?  If so, what might they be?  If not, are there any of these combinations that are likely to significantly outshine the others given the speakers they'd be powering?



Sorry I was drunk when I wrote this.  It took a long time and this morning I see I did a horrible job. go figure lol.  I hadn’t read your whole post last night either sorry. Are the kef less sensitive than the magicos?  Sensitivity is sensitivity but pretty sure the magicos are a much more demanding speaker.  If they worked in your rig you might not have an issue with the kef.  But if you do, that’s a good list. I’ve never directly compared those so can’t give opinion. 

The A5 are 88dB sensitivity and a nominal impedance of 4 ohms. The Reference 4c are 90dB and a nominal 8-ohm impedance, but the test below indicates that they may be fairly tricky to drive.

An outside party suggested a 3 or 7 channel from the ATI AT6000 family as an option as well, so feedback on that would be helpful too.

I did.  I'm looking to understand if this is more than a 2-channel variant of the M28 successor to my current multi-channel amp.  The testing done at Secrets of Home Theater & Hi-Fi seem to indicate that with an 8-ohm signal, the M28 clips at 275W but starts to distort pretty severely at 185W.  Obviously, the M23 is brand new and doesn't have any outside testing, but if the Purifi Eigentakt modules are unchanged, then I'd expect it to behave similarly.   That said, I could get 3 of them and bridge them as monoblocks like I had considered doing with the AHB2 amps and have power to spare. That would put me in a pretty tight space to get all 4 amps into my equipment space, because I'd still need the M27 to drive the surrounds.