Amplifier Upgrade Decision

I need some help/feedback with regards to upgrading my power amplifier for 2 channel music. My current set up includes following components
1. Source (Digital)- Oppo BDP-95
2. Source (Analog)- Clearaudio Concept Turntable
3. Pre-Amplifier- Parasound Halo JC-2
4. Pre-Amplifier- Parasound Halo P-7 (using the phono interface for playing the turntable)
5. Power Amplifier- Parasound Halo A-21
6. Front Speakers- Aerial Model-7T
7. Power Cable- Nordost Heimdall 2 and Red Dawn 2
8. Interconnect Cable- Nordost Frey 2, Heimdall 2 and Red Dawn 2
9. Speaker Cable- Nordost Red Dawn 2
10. Wall Receptacle- Furutech GTX-D NCF(R)
11. 2 Dedicated 20 Amp (10 AWG) circuits feeding the entire system
12. GIK Room Acoustics Bass traps/Diffusors
13. Room size- 16’ X 12’
This set up sounds good but I wanted to take it to the next level and wanted to upgrade my amplifier to a better 2 Channel amplifier or a set of mono-blocks. I love Class A/AB sound and would like to stick to this technology. My choices, not in any particular order, are
1. Upgrade to a Plinius SA 103 (125 W pure Class A per channel) and use it as a 2 channel amplifier
2. Upgrade to a set of Class-A mono-blocks. My choices, not in any particular order, are
    a. Parasound Halo JC-1
    b. Pass Labs XA-60.8
My budget is around 10-12K.

I know everything is system dependent but I would love to hear your opinion on these amplifiers before starting on product evaluation.

I am also not sure if my mono-block amplifier choices would provide significant value add from a sound perspective over the Plinius or any other good quality 2 channel amplifier at this price point. So I would love to hear your feedback on this point as well.

Ayre MX-R in old config
or a VX-R might get lucky and find a used Twenty series in your budget
the Aesthetix stereo and mono are awesome amps IMO

I say the obvious choice since you are all Parasound would be to go with the JC-1s. You have everything pretty much dialed already so I am going to suggest something maybe even before an amplifier upgrade. The Oppo 95 are awesome, but you can do better with an external DAC. I say try a Bryston BDA-3 DAC to go with the Oppo. It has about 10 inputs also HDMI in and out. It will do DSD over HDMI from SACDs.
Thank you very much for all of your comments suggestions. 
@darcman- The DAC suggestion is indeed interesting and I have that in my upgrade path as well. I could upgrade either source or amplifier at a time given the budget constraint and I decided on amplifier based on my personal choice. Ideally I should audition each upgrade separately and then decide but that would involve spending a lot of time which I might not be able to spend right now. However in the end I need both a quality source and an amplifier...
I am also interested to find out from the group whether 60W Class A power (mono-blocks) would have enough juice to drive my Aerials 7T, which drop down to 3 Ohms, in my 16' X 12' room. If not how much Class A power (min) I should look for to make this transition smooth? Any feedback on this would be highly appreciated.