Amplifier upgrade

Have been a long time Infinity fan and have owned several different series. I have the Eplison I use Aragon's to power then 8008 (newer version) for the lows, Palladiums (slant front) for the Highs, Pass Labs Aleph P preamp, Sony
XA777ES CD Player, Morrow MA 7 Balanced and Richard Gray speaker wire Bi-wired.

The Infinity Eplison requires bi-amping but after plenty of research and listening i have found the high end is harder to drive then the low. Happy with the way they sound for now but thinking of up grading the High end 
amp for greater clarity and headroom looking at the McIntosh MC352, Aragon Iridium.... any thoughts?

Best Regards,
Hi lilrock,
I would stay away from the McIntosh. Getting the newer Aragon is a lateral move. To accomplish your goals I believe that you need to consider the used market and invest in products that are in a slightly higher MRSP range. May want to think about a new pre amp instead...

I think this is a company worth the time to check out.

 AYRE VX-5 Twenty or  KX-5 Twenty

Think about a pair of used MC501s.   At about 6k they are a great value.  Let your ears not our posts guide you.  

I bought a pair 10 years ago and the power my Maggies perfectly.  They require a good bit of juice as the Maggies are a difficult 4 Ohm load.

Synergy with your pre amp is also key.  I run a Mac C220 tube pre amp.  I understand not all like McIntosh, but let tour ears decide and give them a listen.

One last thought, my 501s and C220 bought ten years ago coukd be aild romorrow for what I paid used.

Enjoy the journey
Thanks ggc for your thoughts, I do find the Pass Aleph P is great at low listening but a bit textured at higher volumes. Great advice since the pre-amp was going to be replaced anyway. I will look into Ayre and open to other suggestions.

Happy Listening!!