amplifier longevity

Is there any difference in longevity and or reliability between valve amps and solid state amps?

I thought that perhaps design differences between ss and tube amps  might  be a factor here.

Specifically I am considering the valve amps by Rogue Audio vs. the solid state amps by Luxman, both great brands in my opinion.




Showing 1 response by yamaho

I don't know what to say except thank-you to each and everyone of you!

This is my first  post, in my life(!) here on Audiogon or any forum, amazing!

Thank-you for the thoughtfulness, and sincerity, of the responses, its great!

Reviews from actual users are worth their weight in gold.

I will have to take more seriously the issue of heat and tube replacement that comes with valve amps, but the hands on that come with tube amps has its appeal.

Happy Holidays to everyone here and thanks again