Amplifier hum - normal?

Is it normal for amps to emit a slight humming noise from the transformer when turned on?

I never noticed it in my old integrated that I lived with for over 10 years, but that was lower power. Now I've gone from 50wpc to 120wpc... don't know if that makes a difference here though.

I mean, it's not nearly enough to bother me or even really be audible past 3 feet away... but I am curious if this is typical for amplifiers to do this.

Showing 7 responses by djembeplay

I do have a relative that is good with soldering and circuits. I'll see if he's up for a project - could be fun.
So this humm isn't something that indicates a poor-quality transformer or a malfunction?

A friend used to have an older Crown amp and he said it used to buzz much louder than this Yamaha.

Also, I wanted to add... whatever I have my volume set at makes no difference what-so-ever. With my amp gain all the way down, I still hear the same buzz.
I have a Yamaha M-40... did they use quality transformers?

It is pretty quiet... i would say you could barely hear it from 3 feet away from the chassis top in a silent room.
Hmm... I'm not sure what would constitute excessive or normal. I have sensative ears... lol, but I'm sure we all do here.

Hmm... I think it's a bit over my head. I've never made a circuit... but, I suppose this may be a good place to start.