Amplifier for Q acoustics concept 500

Hi to all.

I own the title’s speakers. I have paired them with harman kardon hk 990 but I don’t like the combination.

I tried a friend’s cambridge audio cxa80 and the result was much more pleasing, so pleasing that maybe I could live with it.

But I want to do better because I think these speakers deserve better amplification.

My budget is about 2.000 euros for second hand. I was thinking for cambridge audio 851a if its’ a step up from cxa80...since I already liked cxa80.

I could also find Hegel h190 and marantz pm-ki ruby for 2k and I wonder if they worth over Cambridge audio which is very transparent. One think I don’t like about harman kardon is that is has a bit dark presentation even its power is effortless. Pairing with cambridge audio, the speakers had very good bass extension as with hk 990 too, but sounded more airy compared to harman.

If someone owns these speakers and has a suggestion for which amp will suit them best I would appreciate it.

The source is a marantz tt15-s1 and I also use the internal hk 990 dac to listen from Spotify and macbook.

My primary concern is to find a suitable amp and then I can add an external dac and phono if they are not onboard.

Thank you in advance.

Showing 4 responses by itzikia

Finally I got it.

After several hours of listening is for sure better and more balanced than my Harman kardon hk 990.

Big soundstage, delicacy, nice vocals, guitars, piano etc sound indeed very good. It doesn't sound like previous marantz reference models.

It is less warm/dark but still warm, it reminds me of an arcam I've heard in the past. It has lots of detail, good tight bass and airy clear highs without fatiguing. Sometimes I felt I want a little more bass but I can set it from tone controls.

Overall the combination of ruby and concepts is great, almost ideal. 

To be honest I didn't hear other amps in this price league (4.000 euros) to say if there are better options or not but the result is beautiful.

So I cannot conclude if it worths the asking price compared to others. 

It is certain that it is a beautiful sounding amplifier and its phono stage is excellent.

Wish I had cambridge audio cxa80 to make comparisons. Ruby is better for sure but no way 4 times better than cambridge (1000 euros cost).

I will add a good dac in the future and hope there is no need to upgrade for long time!
Thank you for your answer. The fact than Ken Ishiwata have promoted ruby with concept 500 makes me thinking that it must be a good match but I may have different taste. So the personal listening is a must for sure.

I owned marantz pm15s2 in the past and it was too warm for my taste and I sold it. How the newer ruby sounds compared to older marantz reference amps? I think it is class D that many avoid but except from that have you ever heard another marantz gear to compare?

How did you also find azur? The newer cxa80 did a great job with concept in my opinion (open full sound, clear highs without being fatigue) even the speakers deserve much better amplification.

It's not that I do not like ruby. Ruby pairs very well with concepts.

But I will always try to find the best possible amplification for my speakers.

Maybe in the future I'll try more amps to pair  with concepts which i find them absolute;y great speakers. I listened more expensive speakers but overall i found concepts exceptional in their price range or above.