Amplifier for Kharma CRM 3.2F

How big an amplifier do I need for Kharma CRM 3.2F, have just bought a pair of these speakers, will have them within 10 weeks.
Have a small room 153ft2 with 9ft to the ceiling.
I was thinkin single-ended 300b (10-15watt)
Has anybody tried this?
What suggestions did you receive from the seller of your speakers? The usual suggestions for Kharma are Tenor, Lamm, Thor and Manley, as already suggested here.
Got my 3.2f last friday, can only say they are as god as everybody says!! Have a pair of 14 watt full music 300B monoblocks from Cayin, they really sing on the Kharmas, but I need a little more power, so I will proberbly try some 805 monoblocks, or Air Tight ATM 211 instead. Know everybody says Tenor,Lamm,Manley and Thor, but I live in Denmark, and everything that comes from the US is really exspensive! Thank you for all of your suggestions.