Amplifier Dilemma

Hey guys I need some advice on which amp to buy.

I plan to spend up to $800, I prefer an integrated amp (which are very few in my price range) but if a raw power amp gives better sound then I will go with a power amp.

My aim is more for sound quality than quantity. The problem with my system is that it is way too dark, its like listening to music with a blanket over the speakers, I am pretty sure is the amplifiers fault. I am thinking of buying one of these:

Aragon 4004 or 8002
Classe CA 101
McCormack DNA 0.5
Odyssey Stratos
Pathos Classic One
New Conrad Johnson Sonographe SA-250

There are so many to chose from, help me make a decision.
I just switch from a HK 2.1 amp to a Anthem Intergrated 2. And that is the best 500 money can buy! You night want to try a hybrid intergrated amo like INT2, which has a tube preamp and SS amp all in one.
The Magnepans need a lot of current and the Odyssey would simply amaze you. It has current to spare. You can try it at home with no risk. To get the best bass, put it on top of some black diamond racing cones and a slab of granite.
My selection is down to these bad boys:
Aragon 4004
Classe CA 101
Odyssey Stratos

The question now is, which of them have the best treble and mid range.

Should I add Bryston 3B to the list?

Keep those responses comming, I need all the help I can get.
I have the Odyssey Stratos and love it. It may be a few hundred over your stated price range though. If you can pull it off, it won't dissapoint. No experience with your speakers though.