Amplifier current vrs watts; why is current more important?

Lately when talking to knowledgeable people in the audio industry I’ve been hearing how current delivery is more important than watts in determining weather an amplifier will drive a speaker.
So what exactly is current and how does it effect speaker performance? How can a amplifier rated at 150 watts into 8 ohms vs one rated at 400 watts into 8 ohms be a better match for a hard to drive speaker?

Showing 1 response by arcticdeth

Yes, keep simple!
those 1, 2, 15 W watt amps are useless.

 Get a good amp w minimum 250-300W at 8ohm. Don’t look back, all this nonsense of if 1 watt is great, why have more......??


 Power works, these flea watt,  moth,bunny, butterfly  fart amps w 1, to 15 watts amps are a joke.

done mess around.

get a good amp, and don’t look back.
silly stuff.