Amplified Vs Unamplified

I've been reding old posts on this forum...And someone's phrase came to my attention......that the ultimate goal of hi-fi audio electronic is to reproduce the real unamplified music as accurate to original as other words - closer to live performance - the better.
But what about the music that has never existed as "unamplified"? Electronic music such as Kraftwerk is first what comes to my mind.
I am just curious.... on another note... Don't you think that those electronic instruments such as syntesitors or electronic pianos used by musicians during recording have simiral by quality electronics inside as we have inside ours amplifiers and speakers...Don't you think that the most (if not all) recordings simply were never recorded at the quality our home system are able to reproduce?

Showing 1 response by gregm

As Tom sez
We all know that no stereo really can totally accurately reproduce the live sound, but there was a need for a benchmark, and that's what some people settled on as one
With the added limitation that the system can only reproduce what's on the recorded medium. Which begs the question of how accurate that info is...:)