Amplification Suggestions for Legacy Whispers???

Just purchased a pair of Whispers...time to upgrade amplification. Having read several treatises on 4 ohm vs. 8 ohm loads (Whispers are rated at 4 ohm nominal), I believe I should lean towards high current, SS amps. Please weigh in 'o knowledgable ones.
FWIW - I replaced a Bryston 4B with a Monobloc2 for my Focus 20/20. The resulting improvement was immediate and not subtle. I highly recommend the Legacy (Coda) over Bryston. I think, after talking to Bryston directly, they don't much like 4 Ohm loads. Now time to upgrade to Ultra Monoblocs!

Also, and obviously, Legacy uses their own amps in their factory showroom. It is incredible sound, especially the Helix.

You can probably never go wrong with Krell though. I have never heard the Parasound.
I have owned the Legacy Whisper system since 1997 and have tried several amps with them.I got good results from Legacy's stereo hi-current amp. Also used Parasound HCA800's and Soundcraftmen Pro 4's both in vertical Bi-amp config.Have acheived best results with Bryston 7BST mono blocks.Powerfull and robust 600 watt solid stste units.I've had the Brystons in system since 01 ,liked so much I bought one for my Legacy Marquis center channel...very,very satisfied
Dear Sir,

THe JC-1's are overpriced for the performance. I have Aragon Palladium 1K's with my Whispers and they are MAGNIFICENT! I ran Legacy Sig III's in PARALLEL with Legacy Classics before I had the Whispers and the Palldiums didn't break a sweat - nor do they now. They have absolute superb control over the Whispers. The power and clarity are amazing.

Aragon was made by the independent Mondial group, but is now sold by Klipsch. Palladium 1K's were obsoleted about a year ago, because they cost too much to produce. They are fully differential, 600 WPC into 4 Ohms and class A to about 65 Watts into 4 Ohms. They are great looking amps, as well.

If you can find Palladium 1K's, GET them! I recommend you call Bob at Avalon Audio ( in Medford, NJ. He still has an ad on Audiogon for them at $3K / pr., I believe. His phone number is 609-654-7752. His e-mail is He is a great guy and saved me a lot of $. Good Luck and enjoy those Whispers!
hey you may be barking up the wrong tree ive had
the best results so far with asl hurricanes just great
I have to disagree with Blues_fan about the Aragon Palladium 1K monoblocks and the JC-1's. As you all probably know by now, I own a pair of JC-1's and I love every aspect of their performance. They are the best amps, when FULLY broken-in, that I have heard in my system or anywhere else for that matter.
I have a friend from Georgia who used to own a pair of the Aragon Palladium 1K's. Sure they were excellent sounding amps, and an exceptional value at their current prices, but the JC-1's are sonically superior to them.
I took my JC-1's to his home and hooked them into his system in place of the Aragons and listen to a big variety of tunes through them for at least an hour. We then unhooked the JC-1's and put the Palladiums back in.
While the Palladiums held their own fairly well, the JC-1's were faster, more transparent, better focused, and smoother and slightly more extended on top than the Palladiums.
The JC-1's had deeper, tighter, and more powerful bass, and a more detailed midrange. He agreed totally with my conclusions, and he said that he was very impressed with the JC-1's.
We then brought the Palladiums and my JC-1's back to my place. I invited some more friends over to listen as well. We hooked them into my system with basically the same sonic results. Needless to say, his system is much more resolving than mine, and MUCH more expensive, but all of our conclusions of the amps was basically the same in both of our systems.
Outcome: He sold his Aragons and bought a pair of JC-1's.