Amplification Recommendations Please

Happy New Year 'Goners!
I am asking for your assistance. I am looking for 2-channel amplification solutions in the $1000 to $1500 range, and would like to move to at least a tube preamplification stage, if not full tube set-up. I listen mostly to Rock and Jazz, with a sprinkling of everything else, and love the clarity of the cymbals and bells, and HF overtones best of all. (Think Pat Metheny, Miles, Beethoven Symphonies, and Stone Temple Pilots) A remote control and HT pass-thru would be nice, but transparency, clarity, and presence is tantamount!

Core components:
- Solution Must Replace: HK PM665 Integrated, 120W@8
- Speakers: Infinity Intermezzo 4.1t's (ea w/850W sub amp built-in) Recommended power: 25-500W per specs...I love these speakers, as they are incredibly flat and detailed, and I figure I need at least 50 Watts, although I rarely crank it beyond a medium volume level.
- CD: Rotel RCD 1072
- TT: HK T-60 w/various cartridges both MM and MC
(Also have tape deck & DVD, but not for critical listening)

I am torn between an integrated and seperates:
-Jolida 502B Hot Rodded by Versastarr (~$1400) No remote
-Primaluna Prologue 2 from Upscale (~$1400) No Remote
-VTL IT-85 (Used~$1500) w/Remote
Seperate Preamp, Power amp & interconnects:
-Transcendent Grounded Grid (~$800) No Remote Cntl
-Audio Experience/YS Audio Symphonies Plus (~$750) No Remote Cntl
-TAD-150 (~750) Remote, HT Pass-thru
-VTL 2.5 (~$1000) Remote, HT pass-thru
Any of these would then be coupled with a reasonable priced (most likely used) power amp - most likely a solid state:
Bryston 2B or 3b, Musical Fidelity A3.2cr, PS Audio HCA-2... (wish I could afford a Krell 250A or SimAudio Moon W5)
Please, What are YOUR recommendations ?

My Sincere Thanks,
Audio Research models for a grand or less present a good choice; ie, SP6, sp8. Used Kora Eclipse which has a remote is supposedly a good option and less than 1500 used I've seen. There is a used Art Audio w/phono for 995 firm; well, there was a few days ago. Nice unit.

Amplifiers I would think of the Conrad Johnson EL34 model at less than a grand used. The VTL IT85 might make a good choice, too, and has the benefit of being able to add a second IT85 amp to match the internal amp.
I'd run the McCormack unmodded. I think people were just recommending that down the road when you're looking to replace the DNA, you could pursue the SMc audio upgrades rather than replace the amp outright. The stock DNA isn't bad, and it fits in your price range. Spend the rest on a decent tube preamp, IMO.
Hello Hi-end2! Looking at Audiogon listings, a pair of 120 mono's would run over 2K alone, and even if I go with the Transcendent, TAD-150 or Symphonies Plus pre, I'm way over budget...
What about the Rogue 88 or Magnum 88? Tube amp alternatives available used might also be Consonance M-100 w/Svetlana 6550's, or a Jolida 502B. What is your take on this?
- Rick.