Amplfiers that Sound like Pass 30.8 that are not so heavy

I am moving  to a smaller house and I really need a amp that is not as heavy as the Pass 30.8. Currently it is hooked up to a pair of QLN Prestige 3's with Adrenaline Speaker cables, a SAS 11A preamp recently modified and upgraded and fed by a Pagoda DAC.  I love the sound of this amp with a the tube preamp. But....its just really to heavy for me to move around by myself. And yes I do go to the gym. Also it does put out some heat which is not the coolest thing in Florida. Any ideas on an amp that would be a good substitute for the 30.8's would really be appreciated.  My listening prefernces lean toward transparency and holographic instrument presentation. Thank all of you for your help and direction on my question. Best wishes to all for a healthy, safe and peaceful New Year.


Showing 1 response by audionut51

Solution Bedini 25/25 Phase II. If you can find one. I used mine to drive Acoustat 2+2s. Now have Von Schweikert VR4 Sig and VR 5/7 and Totem Forest. Must hear to believe this amp. 35 lbs. Also own PrimaLuna EVO 400/KT150s. Actully have two. 70lbs each. Also own Quicksilver V4 and Mono 120s for reference. They will play louder. There is a "fluid" sound to the Bedini not matched by any other amp I have heard. Also have other Bedini amps like 800 series. Good Luck! You might want to keep the PASS until you hear better.