Amp suggestionsfor Wilson Watt Puppies/Sophia

A friend of mine is contemplating a pair of Watt Puppies or Sophia's and was wondering what amps may partner well with these models. He listening room is large and he listens primarilty to Jazz at moderate levels.

Many thanks,


Showing 1 response by dob

Spectron Musician III Signature my own experience provides very "seductive" synergy. David Wilson speakers. I owned WATT/Puppy just a few years ago and few of my friends have Sofia and WATT/Puppy. It is phenominal amplifier, it can handle any speaker in the world (stability up to 0.1 Ohm and peak power 3500 watts over 330 msec) and they emphasize on their web site that the sonic signature is nearly identical with any speaker ( and with their Remote Sense cables even absolutely identical). Even Standard Musician received, this month, TAS Editor Choice Award 2007 and in description its said that it sound "on the warm side of neutral". I have had both standard and now Signature and Signature is way, way better (more musical, more seductive, more transparent - immensely transparent, as a matter of fact, as no amplifier I ever audition). Price - with good dealer discount - would be about $5k - $5.5k.
All The Best